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Nine billion people are fed by farms of varying sizes around the world.

We accelerate sustainable and inclusive growth and deliver transformational impact for food and agriculture companies and organizations by driving efficiencies, fueling growth, shaping industries, and increasing organizational effectiveness. Our proprietary tools and digital and advanced analytics capabilities, combined with extensive experience are the cornerstones of the value we bring to our clients.

Immovable Driven.

Agriculture , Forestry & Commodities

Committed to improving public outcomes through a focus on people.

At our disposal is a team of specialists spread across the world who can acquaint you with the most recent breakthroughs in eco-friendly agriculture, regenerative techniques, protein alternatives, fermentation, and the production of plant-based proteins. Given our extensive know-how along the entire agricultural value chain, we can assist you in seizing opportunities that arise with regard to fertilizers, equipment, and biofuels.

Our track record of aiding clients in improving yields and maximizing profits is well established, be it in the realm of dairy, seed production, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, or virtually any type of crop, including but not limited to corn, wheat, rice, oilseeds, and sugarcane.

& Connect

We are a community of solvers combining human ingenuity, experience, and technology innovation to deliver sustained outcomes and build trust.

Let's Connect

Immovable Driven

Agriculture Development & Food Security

Our mission to combat world hunger, poverty, and malnutrition is evident through our partnerships with governments, companies, donors, development banks, and civil society. With approximately three-quarters of the world’s impoverished population relying on agriculture as their source of income and underprivileged families across all continents struggling to obtain nourishing food, we provide innovative solutions to complex challenges. Our approach involves leveraging multi-disciplinary expertise, a nuanced comprehension of the private sector, and state-of-the-art analytics to enhance agri-food systems worldwide.

  • Plan for transformations in rural economies
  • Raise smallholder farmers out of poverty
  • Improve the services of food banks and pantries
  • Tackle deforestation
  • Address the impacts of climate change
  • Plan for an epidemic of obesity
  • Fight childhood stunting

Orchards, Greenhouse & Wineries

The greenhouse, orchards, and wineries industry is currently facing various challenges when it comes to managing their operations successfully. These challenges may include transitioning a business, dealing with financing difficulties due to government regulations, political and economic factors, or expanding cross-border to the US. To succeed, owners and operators must remain well-informed.

At S7Clear, our professionals are highly knowledgeable in this industry and work closely with clients to gain a deep understanding of their business. This allows us to provide personalized advice and guidance on various issues such as government incentives like Agri-stability, Agri-invest, and the global government Agricultural Partnerships, long-term growth strategies, and outsourcing support.

We have established a reputation for actively participating in the communities we serve, providing hands-on service and real-time guidance. Our dedicated team is proud to specialize in this industry, working locally in orchard and winery regions, as well as with a number of national and international award-winning greenhouse operations.


Farmers today face a range of challenging business issues that often require them to adapt unexpectedly. These issues include global competition, government regulations, trade agreements, and declining operating margins. In order to navigate these challenges and take advantage of opportunities, it’s important to be well-prepared.

Regardless of the type of farm, effective financial management is crucial for staying ahead of evolving situations. At S7Clear, we have a deep understanding of agriculture and can provide specialized information and services to all of our livestock clients. This includes industry-leading benchmarking to help you stay competitive. For livestock farms in the Americas, the quota system can have a significant impact on gross margins, cash flow, and future investments. Our experienced accountants can help you navigate these systems with expert knowledge and strategic supply management strategies.

Fishing and Aquaculture

The Americas are renowned for their exceptional fishing and aquaculture environments, consistently producing some of the largest catches globally with a high demand for exports. However, the Pacific and Atlantic oceans hold even greater promise, offering an emerging opportunity for businesses in this industry.

To take advantage of this potential, businesses must confront various challenges specific to fishing and aquaculture. These challenges include invasive species threatening the catch, dramatic increases in license values, shrinking quotas, and strict regulation that can limit opportunities if not managed effectively. Business strategy is essential for success in both fishing and aquaculture.

S7Clear’s Fishing and Aquaculture team brings extensive industry experience and knowledge to assist our clients in making informed decisions. With close relationships with the industry nationwide, expertise in Department of Fisheries and Oceans regulations, and proficiency in tax law, our professionals help fishing and aquaculture enterprises acquire, finance, and operate their businesses to safeguard and enhance their financial bottom line.

Driving commerce and prosperity.


Our footprint connects emerging and high-growth markets with more established economies, allowing us to channel capital to where it’s needed the most.

Proprietary data, expert analysis and bold thinking for leaders who want to achieve the extraordinary.

Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

Solving Complex Challenges

S7Clear Blueprint


S7Clear X


S7Clear Fintech +

Equality & Justice

Dream Forward

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